This module is about how to shape Imaginative Dialogues in which everyone's voice can be heard and differences are not dismissed or magnified, but instead are used as a stimulating subject of dialogue. A dialogue where through the arts all senses are engaged; its form is performative, visual, narrative, auditive.
How do you listen to the other person? How do you suspend your opinions?
Imaginative Dialogues
- Offcourses

The dialogue should invite you to explore the differences between the participants even if the topics feel uncomfortable. The aim is not to find consensus but to make new connections and creations together. This module is inspired by the international PIMDI project ‘a Pedagogy of Imaginative Dialogues' that was set up together with art academies in Norway, Finland and Iceland.
"In my work I explored how people are able to enter a comfortable space of a dialogue without using words. By translating communication to a drawing sequence the participants became a part of the conversation without actively acknowledging it. Even if participants didn't know each other they experienced a 10 minute long dialogue that they described as comfortable" (Yaga Piatek)
"A game where everyone playing draws something relating to a chosen topic. Played with one less pen than the total group count to encourage sharing and observing other's drawings. This dialogue is intended for people who don't know each other well or have experiences they never shared." (Povilas Buda)
Nathalie Beekman & Audrey Helwes
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