Fiber FieldLab Oldambt is a nomadic research project set in 2024 in the far north-east of Groningen, in the agricultural landscape and salt marshes of Groningen. Students from different courses were invited to connect with this landscape using wool fibres and other natural fibres.
Being on Land
- Offcourses

During this Offcourse, they visited an experimental farm in Beerta, a food forest in Oostwold and walked several silencewalks on the dykes and salt marshes in Oldambt. Experiences of landscape experience in a dominant agricultural landscape were explored and discussed. The tactile quality of textile fibres was investigated and applied to visualise the entanglement with the landscape of Oldambt.
The students processed local wool with other fibres at the Textile Hub in Groningen after which the work created was photographed in Oldambt.
The Fiber FieldLab is a project that is part of Graan Republiek 2.0, in which the kenniscentrum NoorderRuimte, lectorate Living Environment in Transition, collaborates with stakeholders in Oldambt.
Tutor: Cora Jongsma
Students: Shimisha Elaguani, Abel Verberne, Leonard Maack, Elle Meijer, Antonia Diaconu Dinu, Dina Balashova, Sophia Koop, Pia Hekman, Babet Doornbos, Nadine Bolhuis, Julia Veenstra, Nazario Corradino, Anna-Maria Rusenova, Alisha Beijer, Richelle Schöne
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